
supply to中文什么意思

发音:   用"supply to"造句
  • 为...提供
  • supply:    adv. =supplely.
  • a supply:    a电源
  • a-supply:    a-供应
  • supply:    vt. (-plied) 供给;供应;配给;补充,填补,弥补(不足、损失等)。 Cows supply us (with) milk. 母牛供给我们牛奶。 The cow supplies milk. 这头牛有奶。 supply the market 供应市场。 supply a demand 满足要求。 supply a want 弥补不足。 supply an office 代理职务。 supply the place of 代替。 n. 1.供给;供应,给养;军需;补充;〔常 pl.〕供给物,供应品;生活用品;补给品;存货;贮藏(量);(储备)物资。 2.[废]代理者,代课教员,代理牧师。 3.〔pl.〕粮食,口粮;〔pl.〕经费,(个人)开支[生活费]。 His father cut off the supply. 他父亲停止了他的生活费。 a supply and marketing cooperative 供销合作社。 an inexhaustible supply of coal 无穷的煤贮藏量。 the Committee of S- (英国下院的)预算委员会。 economize the household supplies 节省家用。 have a good supply of 备有许多…。 in short supply 供应不足。 line of supply 【军事】供应线,补给线。 short supply 供不应求。 tension in supply 供应不济,供应紧张。 the free supply system and the wage system 供给制和工资制。 the law of supply and demand 【经济】供求规律。 adv. =supplely.
  • supply for:    把……供给
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The planes dropped relief supplies to the stricken area .
  2. The perichondrium carries the blood supply to the cartilage .
  3. A high-temperature cut-out isolates power supply to the heater .
  4. An adjustable high voltage supply to operate the counter is necessary .
  5. This fact enables the supply to be turned off as required by a switch .


        supply:    adv. =supplely.
        a supply:    a电源
        a-supply:    a-供应
        supply:    vt. (-plied) 供给;供应;配给;补充,填补,弥补(不足、损失等)。 Cows supply us (with) milk. 母牛供给我们牛奶。 The cow supplies milk. 这头牛有奶。 supply the market 供应市场。 supply a demand 满足要求。 supply a want 弥补不足。 supply an office 代理职务。 supply the place of 代替。 n. 1.供给;供应,给养;军需;补充;〔常 pl.〕供给物,供应品;生活用品;补给品;存货;贮藏(量);(储备)物资。 2.[废]代理者,代课教员,代理牧师。 3.〔pl.〕粮食,口粮;〔pl.〕经费,(个人)开支[生活费]。 His father cut off the supply. 他父亲停止了他的生活费。 a supply and marketing cooperative 供销合作社。 an inexhaustible supply of coal 无穷的煤贮藏量。 the Committee of S- (英国下院的)预算委员会。 economize the household supplies 节省家用。 have a good supply of 备有许多…。 in short supply 供应不足。 line of supply 【军事】供应线,补给线。 short supply 供不应求。 tension in supply 供应不济,供应紧张。 the free supply system and the wage system 供给制和工资制。 the law of supply and demand 【经济】供求规律。 adv. =supplely.
        supply for:    把……供给
        supply s:    供给函数
        supply with:    供给例如; 以...供给
        supply(to):    供给(动词)
        supply boat (supply vessel):    供应船
        supply energy; energy supply:    供能
        supply in kind with supply in money:    实物供应与货币分配相结合的办法
        a good supply of:    一批的
        a power supply:    a电源; 甲电源
        a powre supply:    a电源
        a supply of food:    一批食物
        a-power supply:    a电源; 甲电源; 丝极电源
        ac supply:    交流电源
        actual supply:    实际供给
        additional supply:    附加供应
        additional supply of:    增加供应
        adequate supply:    定量供应
        aerial supply:    空中补给
        aggregate supply:    合计价值; 累积总供应; 总供给函数; 总供给量; 总体供给; 总体供应
        agricultural supply:    农产品供给
        ail supply:    内容/


  1. supply the lack 什么意思
  2. supply the market with new products 什么意思
  3. supply the missing words 什么意思
  4. supply the place of 什么意思
  5. supply things without compensation 什么意思
  6. supply to seal 什么意思
  7. supply train 什么意思
  8. supply transformer 什么意思
  9. supply transport 什么意思
  10. supply travel on the rotation 什么意思


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